Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (ED): What Every Man Need to Understand


There are scenarios where healthy – active men couldn’t perform intimate sex with partner. Studies reveals a major reason for this as – a habit of too much watching of Pornography! Watching pornography can’t be named as inherently wrong- but it can be potential cause for ED in healthy men. Here comes the importance of the discussion – Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. Let’s discuss it.

Do we need to avoid Porn?

We can’t say whether porn is good or bad, but we definitely need to explore it further.

Studies says:

  • relationship between years of pornography watching and a decrease in gray matter in certain regions of the brain linked with your reward sensitivity.
  • Over period, those individuals are not showing enough response even towards the erotic photographs

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Porn Induced ED

In short, frequent and extended use of Pornography may change your sexual capabilities and behaviour which may lead to a degree that it become no-longer aroused in real-life sexual interaction.

Erectile Dysfunction is the difficulty to get and keep the erection through out or adequately enough for the sex. There are various reasons for it – including age. Some of the major issues in ED are: Cardiovascular issues, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure etc. But for some others, it’s not because of any physical challenges but due to mental issues. For e.g., men who faced molesting or any embarrassing sexual exposure in childhood/youth may affect their erection in their adulthood. It may link with stress, anxiety or depression as well.

Along with them, another ED contributor among younger population is too much watching of Pornography. Studies show that the porn usage among teenage boys are increasing as a result it increases the sexual anorexia as well. Sexual anorexia is sexual aversion disorder, in this state patients have a dangerous disgust or horror appearing tendencies towards anything appearing as sexual.

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Erectile dysfunction needs to be addressed as a self-satisfying prophecy. It begins with one circumstance of sexual dysfunction. Irrespective of the cause of that individual issue, the memory exists and it can lead over enthusiasm to produce when the next chance for sexual interaction comes. This anxiety can become dangerous if it collapses your skill to perform and that, finally, increases your curiosity for the coming instances. Prior to continuing, you become so bothered or overwhelmed that you wouldn’t be able to perform if your anxiety comes right.

Pornography watching is potential to sexual dysfunction as it can distort your views of sex and can also alter your state of sexual arousal to the extent that you no more become in the appetite during real sexual scenarios. The reason is that the real sexual opportunities don’t allow the necessary relaxation, you rely on pornography. But this only concerts your inefficiency to achieve appetite in real contexts and that too becomes a self-satisfying prophecy.

How can we overcome Porn Induced ED?

Are you facing issues porn-induced erectile dysfunction? We’re not in a situation of losing hope! It may be difficult, and it will definitely need time, but you can overcome it.

The first block in overcoming may be to stay away from pornography. Research shows that this may be a strong step to bring back sexual abilities.

Another significant method is to get professional support. We don’t need to be pessimistic about therapy, but it will help you understand and resolve issues in a scientific manner. After opening up to the therapist you could feel relaxed of the mental blocks that are pushing back from having intimate sexual satisfaction in life.

And as always, there is nothing to think about speaking to a medical expert if you’re facing erectile dysfunction challenges — whether you think it related porn may be a contributing factor or not.

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