Know about Horny Goat Weed! Boost up your libido!

Horny goat weed is a naturally occurring herb that has several medicinal values. It has been used in China to treat a variety of conditions like sexual performance problems, such as erectile dysfunction (ED) and low sexual desire (Loss of Libido)
What is Goat weed extract and how does it work ?
Goat weed is a medicinal product, the extract of a Epimedium plant. It contains chemicals which might help increase blood flow and improve sexual function. This medicine inhibits the activity of the “PDE5” that’s blocking dilation of the arteries in the penis. This facilitates filling of blood in the blood vessels of the penis thus causing an erection. It works in a similar way that most of the drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction acts. It also contains phytoestrogens, which acts as sex hormones thus helping in many important activities in the human body.
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The way of functioning is very similar to the product “Viagra” which also acts by increasing the size of the blood vessels of the penis which increases the blood flow to the penis. This can cause a healthy and prolonged erection in people diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Icariin is the most commonly used commercially available horny goat weed extract. Although it originated in china, this medicine is used worldwide now as an effective treatment option for many disorders.
Horny goat weed with Maca
Maca is a plant native to Peru, and is commonly available in powder form or as a supplement. Maca root. It has traditionally been used to improve sexual desire in men and women thus treating loss of libido. This medicine which also improves stamina and energy has been used along with goat weed to treat erectile problems and found to be very effective. It is mostly used in combination with horny goat weed and is available in the market.
Horny goat weed for women
Goat weed extract is highly effective in women. A dose of 1000 mg is usually used and is commercially available across the globe. Apart from treating sexual problems, this medicine also prevents hormone associated health issues in women as it also acts as a hormone supplement.

Pros and Cons of Horny goat weed
Being a natural product, this medicine is less likely to cause any life threatening or severe adverse effects. However it is studied to pose a few drawbacks such as change in heart beat, breathing problems and sometimes allergy. The side effects are only seen when it is used in excess. It is one of the commonest and safest alternatives to allopathic medicines to treat sexual problems including erectile dysfunction.
This medicine is available over the counter, but should be taken with sufficient precautions. Always consults a physician if there are any signs of adverse effects. Also note that this medicine can interact with other medicines and hence, people who are taking medicines for other health issues should consult a doctor before taking horny goat weed.
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