Effective treatment of erectile dysfunction: what you can expect from your urologist


Visiting a doctor to discuss impotence can be an embarrassing task for any man. However, there is no other way to do this. In this article we describe how to prepare for your visit and what to expect during the discussion in order to get a pleasant and effective consultation.

It should be noted that you need to be really transparent and open with the doctor so that he or she has a clear idea of your problems and the root cause. This may seem embarrassing and difficult at first, but this is to your benefit. Which doctor should you consult for erectile dysfunction? A urologist of course. Erectile dysfunction can be a cause of serious diseases such as cardiovascular and prostate disorders.

The diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is relatively simple.

  • The main cause is the limited ability of the heart to pump blood to the genital area due to age,
  • or the blockage of the arteries due to an unhealthy lifestyle.

However, there are a variety of diseases that can be associated with this. Therefore the doctor will ask you the following questions:

Part 1 of your visit: Questions about your state of health

Erectile dysfunction can be caused mainly by age and an unhealthy lifestyle. And what does the doctor do for erectile dysfunction? He needs information about your diet. He will ask you about medications you are taking. If you are taking medication for insomnia, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, opioids, etc., you must report this to him. Next, he will ask you about any addictions. This includes narcotics, nicotine consumption and alcohol abuse.

Erectile dysfunction and impotence can have both physical and psychological causes. Next, the doctor will want to know about your sex life. He will ask you about the frequency of sexual intercourse, how long you have been together with your partner, whether you suffer from depression and mental illness, and so on. This is the most difficult part for many patients. However, the success of the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction depends greatly on your honesty in answering the questions accurately.

Statistics on sex life in Europe:

Part 2 of the visit: blood tests and other medical examinations

In the next part, the doctor’s assistant takes your blood pressure measurements and records your pulse rate to determine your basal metabolic rate. Very often testicular and penile examinations are required to determine whether or not injuries to the genital area are evident.

Finally, the assistant will take blood, semen and sometimes even urine samples to determine if your health condition is the cause. Other measurements include body fat percentage measurements to determine if there is a possibility that your arteries are clogged due to obesity. This is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction.

The last part of your visit: prescribing medication

In case of erectile dysfunction, doctors most often recommend taking a PDE-5 inhibitor such as Viagra once a day. As a beginner, you can expect a dosage of 20 mg. This should be done until the results of your tests are available again. At that time, the doctor will decide on the further course of action depending on the cause of your disease.

That is all! You see how easy it is! All you have to do is to go to the doctor’s office and be transparent about your condition. This will ensure that your sexual vitality returns to its normal function and you will feel more confident about your bedroom skills.

Herbert.Land_, 29. 8. 2020
I have always felt a little intimidated by the urologist, but this article is right, it is necessary :(

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